This type of operating system does not interact with computers directly. There is an operator which takes similar jobs having the same requirement and groups them into batches. It is the responsibility of the operator to sort the jobs with similar needs. Example: Payroll System, Bank Statements, etc.
Advantages of Batch Operating System
It is very difficult to guess or know the time required by any job to complete. Processors of the batch systems know how long the job would be when it is in the queue.
Multiple users can share the batch systems
The idle time batch system is very less
It is easy to manage large work repeatedly in batch systems
Disadvantages of Batch Operating System
The computer operators should be well known in batch systems
Batch systems are hard to debug
It is sometimes costly
The other jobs will have to wait for an unknown time if any job fails
Time Sharing/Multitasking Operating System
Each task has given some time to execute so that all the tasks work smoothly. Each user gets a time of CPU as they use a single system. These systems are also known as Multitasking Systems. The task can be from a single user or from different users also. The time that each task gets to execute is called quantum. After this time interval is over OS switches over to next task. Example Unix, Linux, Windows, etc.
Advantages of Time Sharing/Multitasking Operating System
Each task gets an equal opportunity.
Fewer chances of duplication of software.
CPU idle time can be reduced.
Disadvantages of Time Sharing/Multitasking Operating System
Reliability problem.
One must have to take care of the security and integrity of user programs and data.
Data communication problem.
Multiprocessing Operating System
The term multiprocessing is introduced around modern times when they started to use more than one processor in a single computer. These processors share some things in common like memory, peripherals, etc.
A parallel operating system works by dividing sets of calculations into smaller parts and distributing them between the different processors on the system.
Advantages of Multiprocessing Operating System
More reliable systems ( if one processor fails, the system will not halt).
Enhanced throughput.
More economics systems for the long run( Due to same resource share by all Processor).
Disadvantages of Multiprocessor Operating System
Increased expenses.
Completed operating system required.
Large main memory required.
Deadlock arises due to the same resources shared by more than one processor.
RealTime Operating System
A real-time system is defined as a data processing system in which the time interval required to process and respond to inputs is so small that it controls the environment. The time taken by the system to respond to an input and display of required updated information is termed the response time. So in this method, the response time is very less.
Real-time systems are used when there are rigid time requirements for the operation of a processor or the flow of data and real-time systems can be used as a control device in a dedicated application system. Example Industrial Control system, robots, Air traffic control system.
Advantages of RealTime Operating System
Maximum Consumption (It means the RealTime system has less downtime).
Efficiency is high.
24-7 system (It is 24 hours and 7 days week running system).
Error-free (Due to taking real-time data as input and processing it to give an output that produces less error.
Disadvantages of RealTime Operating System
Limited Tasks ( not recommended for multitasking)
Used heavy system resource
Complex Algorithms
Expensive(It is expensive because of the high-speed processor and a large amount of memory required by this OS
Distributed Operating System
Various autonomous interconnected computers communicate with each other using a shared communication network. Independent systems possess their own memory unit and CPU. These are referred to as loosely coupled systems or distributed systems. These systems’ processors differ in size and function.
The major benefit of working with these types of an operating system is that it is always possible that one user can access the file or software which are not actually present on his system but on some other system connected within this network.
Example: Telecommunication, Google etc.
Advantages of Distributed Operating System
Failure of one will not affect the other network communication, as all systems are independent of each other.
Since resources are being shared, computation is highly fast and durable.
Load on host computer reduces.
Delay in data processing reduces.
Disadvantages of Distributed Operating System
Failure of the main network will stop the entire communication
To establish distributed systems the language which is used is not well defined yet.
These types of systems are not readily available as they are very expensive. Not only that the underlying software is highly complex and not understood well yet.
Single User-Single Tasking Operating System
An operating system that allows a single user to perform only one task at a time is called single User OS.
Function like printing a document, playing music, etc. can be performed only one at a time.
MS-DOS, Palm OS, etc.
The operating system occupies less space in memory.
It is cost-effective.
It performs only one task at a time.
Single User-Multi Tasking Operating System
An operating system that allows a single user to perform more than one task at a time is called Single User-Multitasking OS.
Example Windows, MAC OS, etc.
It is time-saving as it performs multiple tasks at a time yielding high productivity.
This operating system is highly complex and occupies more space.
Multi-User Operating System
It is an operating system that permits several users to utilize the program that is concurrently running on a single network server. The single network server is termed a “Terminal server”. “Terminal client” is software that supports user sessions.
Example UNIX, VMS, etc.
It is highly productive as it performs multiple tasks at a time.
It is time-saving as we don’t have to change many desktops, instead can make changes only to the server.
If the connection to the server is broken, the user cannot perform any task on the client as it is connected to that server.
Command User Interface
Command Line Interface (CLI) allows users to directly enter commands that are to be performed by the operating system.
Difficult to use by any normal users.
In this interface, only one task can run at the same time.
Example: MS-DOS, Linux.
Graphical User Interface
Allow the users to interact with the operating system with graphical entities/elements via Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Easy to use by any normal user.
In this interface, more than one task can perform at the same time.