- Application layer : TELNET, HTTP, DNS, POP, SMTP, FTP
TELNET ->Telecommunication Network: It allows TELNET clients to access resources of the TELNET server that means it allows connecting a remote machine and runs an application on it.
HTTP -> HyperText Transfer Protocol: It is used to access data on Word Wide Web.
DNS -> Domain Name System: This application map the IP address to the Name Address over a network connection device.
POP/IMAP-> Post Office Protocol/Internet Message Access Control: These protocols are used to retrieve the Mail at the receiver side.
SMTP -> Simple Mail Transfer Protocol: This protocol is used for the transfer of electronic mail from source to destination via a route.
FTP -> File Transfer Protocol: This protocol is used to transfer files among networks.
2. Transport layer: TCP, UDP, SPX
TCP: Transmission Control Protocol: This is a connection-oriented protocol that is reliable and handles byte streams from source to destination without error and flows control.
UDP: User Datagram protocol: It is an Unreliable connectionless protocol that is used for applications that are lossy and also for query response applications.
3. Internet layer: RIP, IGMP, OSPF, IPsec, DVMRP, IPv4, IPv6, ICMP, DDP
RIP-> Routing Information Protocol: This is a dynamic type routing protocol that doesn’t fix the dedicated path before. This protocol is to find the best path from source to destination using hop count.
IGMP->Internet Group Management Protocol:
OSPF->Open Short Path First: This is a type of link-state routing which uses Dijkstra’s shortest path first algorithm to determine the shortest path.
IPsec->Internet Protocol Security: This is a collection of groups of protocols for secured connection between the devices over the internet.
DVMRP->Distance Vector Multicast routing protocol: This is a type of distance vector routing protocol that provides connectionless datagram delivery over interconnected networks.
IP->Internet Protocol: This protocol is responsible for packet delivery from source to destination by looking at IP address in the packet header.
IPv4->Internet Protocol Version 4: This is IP protocol version 4 which is used by most websites currently.
IPv6->Internet Protocol Version 6: This is IP protocol version 6 which are an upcoming because of the number of IP address in IPv4 is limited in number compared to a number of users due to this limitation IPv6 required.
ICMP->Internet Control Message protocol: It is encapsulated with IP datagrams and is responsible for providing hosts with network problems.
DDP->Datagram Delivery Protocol:
ARP->Address Resolution Protocol: The job of this protocol is to find the hardware address of a host from a known IP address.
4. Host to the network layer: Ethernet, Token Ring, Star, ATM
Ethernet: This is LAN technology.
Token Ring:
ATM: Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Well done sir !!