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- In Data communication, transmission media is a pathway that carries the information from the sender to receiver.
- We use different types of cables or wave to transmit data.
- Data is transmitted normally through electrical or electromagnetics signals.
- Transmission media are lies in physical layers.
- Computer uses signal to represent data.
- Signal are transmitted in the form of electromagnetics energy, electrical energy and light energy.
- Types of Transmission media
- Guided ( Wire) Medium
- Unguided (Wireless) Medium
- Types of Guided Medium
- Twisted pair cable
- Coaxial cable
- Fiber optics
- Types of Unguided medium
- Twisted pair cable
- If you connected your computer/laptop to router via ethernet cable, that conneciton done via twisted pair cable. It has total 8 wires in it.
- A twisted pair consist of two conductors basically copper based
- From two wires one is used to carry signals to the receiver and another one is used as ground reference (White wires).
- Very common medium
- Can be used in telephone networks.
- connection with in buildings.
- mainly used for LAN
- Advantages :
- Cheaper
- Easy to work with it.
- Disadvantages :
- Low data rate
- short range