The boolean operator is the symbol that defines the operation.
1. AND Operator: AND Operator is represented by” .” So A and B can be represented as A.B. Other symbols ^ and n, are also used
for representing AND operation. The result is will only be true (1) when all the inputs are true.
The truth table of AND
2.OR operator: It is represented by “+” Other symbols used V and U . 9n ordinary algebra ” +” means addition but in Boolean algebra, it simply represented OR operation on this operation the result will be true if at least one input is true.
The truth table of OR
3. NOT Operator: NOT Operator is represented by”or” NOT Operation of Operand A (NOT A) can be de presented by Ā or À. The result of NOT Operator is the complement or bar or reverse of Boolean input
The truth table NOT the Operator.
thanks is very helpful
Thanks Telkom University